Parents and educators are invited to submit articles for publication on this blog. We reserve the right to accept or refuse articles at our discretion without explanation.
Send an email with your article, photo, contact information, and credentials to
Contact Candace via email at:
Contact Shelley-Ann via email at:
This Better Learning Edublog is powered by
- Bold Print Bookshop
- The Desha Academy
- WERD Coach Limited
- Synechís Gratitude Collective
After a long conversation about the state of our education system in Trinidad and Tobago and what they could do to support students by supporting their parents and teachers, Candace and Shelley-Ann decided to do more than just talk.
They created Better learning Edublog.
Candace, as a primary school teacher, owner of an online bookshop and an academy for primary school students, was looking for a space to express her ideas of focusing on the child first, then the lesson.
Shelley-Ann, a creative writing specialist, former university lecturer, and managing director of a writing service company, was looking for an opportunity to share more about her philosophy of multisensory learning in the writing classroom.
Both Candace and Shelley-Ann aim to bring hope to both parents and teachers so that they can be their best while nurturing the nation’s future.
Blog articles provide insights on the various aspects of learning as educators focus on the head heart and hand. The logo represents this approach –
The Light Bulb points toward the innovative ideas and empowered thinking education promotes.
The Upraised Hand reminds us of the tangible aspects of learning while pointing toward a higher power which guides us.
The Heart directs our attention to the compassion required for all involved – student, parent, educator, and society.